August Infrastructure: the rate case, grid modernization, and alternative energy

At the August meeting, the Infrastructure Committee discussed the Rate Case, Grid Modernization, and alternative energy.

Rate Case:
CVEC reported a well attended Eversource public hearing, noting that it was interesting to hear from a roomful of officials. Towns officials have realized how much money they will lose if net metering is changed, not only because of the devaluation, but also the rate increase. It is a change in savings of over 100% for towns, schools and counties, CVEC said.

Part of CVEC’s argument is on public policy. The devaluation disincentivizes using fewer kilowatt hours. According to a CVEC representative thirty elected officials spoke at the hearing, with public comments filed on the DPU site. First phase testimony has been filed and evidentiary hearings will begin.

Cape Light Compact noted that the changes in the rate case would result in 30 million dollars of cross subsidization, with Eastern MA customers bearing the weight supporting Western MA commercial customers.

One committee member reported that the Attorney General does not support a rate increase. Based on numbers, she supports a rate decrease.

Grid Modernization update:
Cape Light Compact reported that we are beyond evidentiary hearings. Eversource has filed their initial brief, which they think meets the DPUs requirement. CLC will file a short reply brief and encouraged people to file public comment.

The Infrastructure will prepare a statement to present to the Tech Council Executive Committee in time for their  meeting at the end of August.

It was suggested that the committee look at ways to supply information about alternative energy, and what individuals can do as homeowners. The committee will vet presenters for a possible upcoming First Friday alternative energy panel.

What can you do as a homeowner right now. Possible contacts for First Friday panel. We can vet some of the information here in Infrastructure and put together a FF.

Along those lines, Cape Light Compact is running a demand response demonstration offering, which minimizes grid peaks by targeting air conditioning, curbing the load at certain times. More information is on the Cape Light Compact website,

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